Pause in upper left corner
On the 1st of April, 1775, Daniel Boone, Richard Henderson and their companions, reached the southern bank of the Kentucky River and began to build a fort, now known as Boonesborough. The fort has been re-created for visitors.
The names of those persons and/or families known to have resided in or near the Fort Boonesborough and Boone's Station are as follows:
(It's not clear which of the Barnetts were my line or their cousins.)
John ALLEN, Richard ALLEN, Thomas ALLEN, Aletha ANDERSON, James ANDERSON, Jemima ANDERSON, John ANDERSON, Mary ANDERSON, Nicholas ANDERSON, John ANTHONY, Joseph ANTHONY, Uriel ARK, Daniel ASHBY, l Thomas BAILEY, Isaac BAKER, Bland BALLARD, Abraham BANTA, Henry BANTA Jr., Henry BANTA Sr., John BANTA, James BARBORN, Samuel BARKER, William BARKER, Alex BARNETT, Ambrose BARNETT, James BARNETT, John BARNETT, Joseph BARNETT, Robert BARNETT, James BARNHILL, David BARTON, Joab BARTON, Joshua BARTON, Samuel BARTON, Thomas BARTON, Williasm BARTON, Catherine BAUGHMAN, Jacob BAUGHMAN, John BAUGHMAN, Col. Edward BAXTER, Charles BEALE, G. Michael BEDINGER, Flowner BELL, Samuel BELL, John BELLENTINE, Charles BELLEW, John BENNETT, Joseph BENNING, William BENTLEY, Jesse BENTON, James BERRY, Humphrey BEST, Moese BEST, Stephen BEST, Mary Gass BLACK, William BLACK, Joseph BLACKFORD, Anthony BLEDSOE, Joseph BLEDSOE, Moese BLEDSOE, Robert BOGGS, John Peter BONDURANT, Ann BOONE, Betsey BOONE, Col. Daniel BOONE, Daniel Morgan BOONE, Edward or Allen BOONE, Enoch Morgan BOONE, George BOONE, Hannah BOONE, Isaiah BOONE, Josiah BOONE, Lvinia BOONE, Moses BOONE, Nathan BOONE, Rebecca BOONE, Sarah BOONE, Squire BOONE, Mrs. Squire BOONE, Squire BOONE, Squire H. BOONE, Susan BOONE, Ulissy BOONE, Albert BORUS, John BOWLES, John BOYLE, Edward BRADLEY, James BRIDGES, Samuel BROOKS, Thomas BROOKS, Wi! lliam BROOKS, David BRYANT, George BRYANT, Henry BRYANT, James BRYANT, Jonathan BRYANT, Joseph BRYANT, Rebecca BRYANT, Thomas BRYANT, William BRYANT, Capt. William BUCHANAN, Edward BULGER, John BULGER, John BULLOCK, Leonard Henley BULLOCK, Nathaniel BULLOCK, David BUNDAN, John BUNORAN, James BUNTEN, Capt. William "Billy" BUSH, Maj. William BUSHBY, John BUTLER, Robert CALDWELL, William CALK, Mrs. William CALK, Caleb CALLOWAY, Edgar CALLOWAY, Elizabeth CALLOWAY, Flanders CALLOWAY, Frances CALLOWAY, George CALLOWAY, John CALLOWAY, Hezekiah CALLOWAY, Keziah CALLOWAY, Lydia CALLOWAY, Col. Richard CALLOWAY, Mrs. Richard CALLOWAY, John CAMERON, Samuel CAMPBELL, Adam CAPERTON, Braxton CARTER, John CARTWRIGHT, Robert CARTWRIGHT, Abraham CHAPLAIN, Elizabeth Mullins CHENAULT, William CHENAULT, Gen. George Rogers CLARK, Gen. Green CLAY, Judge John COBURN, Samuel COBURN, Capt. William COCKE, Ambrose COFFEE, Jesse COFFEE, John COLEFORT, Alex COLLINS, Elijah COLLINS, Josiah COLLINS, Thomas COLLINS, William COLLINS, Betts COLLIER, George COLMES, Joseph COMBS, John CONSTANT, John CONWAY, David COOK, Cuthberth COMBS, Enos COOMBS, Williams COOMBS, Jacob COONS, Ben COOPER, Jesse COPHER, William COOPER, Peter COSSART, Frederick COUCHMAN, James COULTER, Maj. William CRADLEBAUGH, John CRAIG, Lewis CRAIG, David CREWS, Elijah CREWS, John CROOKE, John CROSS, Charles CURD, Benjamin CUTBERTH, John DANIEL, Joseph DAVIS, Samuel DAVIS, William DEAL, Abram DEAN, Susan DEAN, Joseph DEBAN or DESON, DENTON family Thomas DIAL, John DONIPHAN, James DOSTER, James DOUGLAS, Joseph DRAKE, Margaret DRAKE, William DRYDEN, John DUMPARD, John DUNN, Benjamin DUNAWAY, John DURBIN, Daniel DUREE, Henry DUREE, Peter DUREE Jr., Mrs. Peter DUREE Jr., Peter DUREE Sr., Mrs. Peter DUREE Sr., Samuel DUREE, Robert ELKIN, Mrs. Robert ELKIN, James ELLIS, Mary ELLIS, Joseph ELLISON, Talton EMBRY, Richard EPPERSON, Robert EPSLEY, Ben ESTILL, Boudee ESTILL, Capt. James ESTILL, Sally ESTILL, Samuel ESTILL, Wallace, ESTILL, Baker EWING, William FALL, John FARRAR, Edmund FEAR or FAIR, Col. Ezekiel H. FIELDS, Davind FINLEY, James FINLEY, John FINNELL, John FINNICK, John FLUTY, Col. John FLOYD, Thomas FOOT, Joseph FOWLER, John FOX, James FRENCH, James GASS, Jennie GASS, John GASS, Mary GASS, Sarah GASS, Capt. David GASS, James GATES, Capt. Charles GATLIFF, James GATLIFF, Letitia GATLIFF, Neal GATLIFF, Martin GENTRY, Richard GENTRY, Catherine GEORGE, John GEORGE, Nicholas GEORGE, Mrs. Nicholas GEORGE, Whitson GEORGE, Julius GIBBS, Samuel GILBERT, Ricard GIREY, Sameul GIREY, Ancil GOODMAN, Daniel GOODMAN, Elizabeth GRANT, Hannah GRANT, Isreal GRANT, l John GRANT, Rebecca Boone GRANT, Moses GRANT, Squire GRANT, William GRANT, Capt. Higgason GRUBBS, Mrs. Higgason GRUBBS, Peter GUERRANT, Thomas GOFF, Peter HACKETT, Edward HALL, Thomas HALL, William HALL, Andrew HAMILTON, John HAMILTON, James HAMILTON, George HANCOCK, Stepen HANCOCK, William HANCOCK, Edward HAND, Andrew HANA, John HARMON, Thomas HARGROVE, John HARPER, Peter HARPER, John HARVESTER, William HARRIS, Ben HARRISON, John HARRISON, Edward HARROD, Chenoa HART, China HART, Cumberland HART, David HART, Mrs. David HART, John HART, Kiziah HART, Mary HART, Nathaniel HART, Nathaniel HART Jr., Mrs. Nathaniel HART, Simpson HART, Susannah HART, Thomas HART, Thomas Richard Green HART, John HAWISTON, Elizabeth HAYES, James HAYES, Jemima HAYES, William HAYES, John HENDERSON, Nathaniel HENDERSON, Nicholas HENDERSON, Pleasant HENDERSON, Col Richard HENDERSON, Samuel HENDERSON, Frances Halley HENDRICKS, George HENDRICKS, William HICKS, Jospeh HINES, Dr. HINES, . Col. Richard HINES, Isaac HITE, Jesse HODGES, James HOGAN, Richard HOGAN, William HOGE, James HOGG, Capt. John HOLDER, Francis HOLLEY / HALLEY, Mrs. Francis HOLLEY / HALLEY, Mrs. John HOLLEY / HALLEY, William HOOTON, Elizabeth HORN, Jeremiah HORN, Matthew HORN, Elizabeth HOY, Parthenia HOY, William HOY, Joseph HUGHES, Jake HUNTER, John HUNTER, Samuel HUNTER, Benjamin HOWARD, Jo! hn HOWARD, Margaret HOWARD, Harry INNES, Christopher IRVINE Jr., Christopher IRVINE Sr., David C. IRVINE, Col. William IRVINE, John JACKSON, Joseph JACKSON, Jonathan JENNINGS, Charles JOCKARS, Andrew JOHNSON, Betsey JOHNSON, Rev. Cave JOHNSON, Isaac JOHNSON, Robert JOHNSON, William JOHNSON, Jacob JOHNSTON, Thomas JOHNSTON, Catlett JONES, Matthew JOUETT, Charles KAVANAUGH, William KAVANAUGH, Beal KELLY, Joseph KELLY, Benjamin KELLY, John KELLY, Andrew KENNEDY, David KENNEDY, Elizabeth KENNEDY, Jesse KENNEDY, John KENNEDY Jr., Joseph KENNEDY, Mary KENNEDY, Thomas KENNEDY, James KENNY, Simon KENTON, Johnathan KETCHAM, John KINCAID, Thomas KINCAID, Robert KIRKHAM, Samuel KIRKHAM, William KINTLEY, John KNOX, Samuel LACKEY, Col. John LADD, Thomas LANHAM, Charles LEE, John LEE, Abraham LEWIS, George LINCOLN, William LIPSCOMB, Nathan LIPSCOMB, Thomas LITTLE, Charles LOCKHART, Col. John LOGAN, Samuel LOGAN, Joseph LONG, Frances LONG, Lawrence LONG, Col John P. LUTTRELL, Thomas LUTTRELL, David LYNCH, William LYNN, Robert MCAFEE, George MCAFEE, William MCAFEE, Moses MCCLURE, John MCCOLLUM, MCGARY family, David MCGEE, James MCMILLAN Sr.,. Margaret White MCMILLAN, Thomas MCQUEEN, William MCWHINNEY, George MADDEN, James MANKINS, John MANNEN, John MARTIN, William MARTIN, Jesse MAUPIN, William MAYS, George MERIWEATHER, Nicholas MERIWEATHER, David MILLER, Thomas MILLER, William MILLER, Michael MIRAS, Alex MONTGOMERY, John MONTGOMERY, Charles MOORE, John MOORE, William MOORE, John MORGAN, Ralph MORGAN, William MORGAN, Jesse MORRIS, William MORRIS, Richard MORRISON, John MORTON, Thomas MOSELY, John MOUNCE or MOURNER, Jacob MYERS, Alexander NEELEY, Edward NELSON, Mrs. Edward NELSON, John NELSON, Moses NELSON, John NEWBY, Abraham NEWLAND, Thomas NOEL, Jesse OLDHAM, Tyree OLDHAM, Michael OVERSTREET, William O'REAR, Thomas M. OWENS, John Cockey OWINGS, Clough OVERTON, Lt. James PATTON, Richard PATTERSON, William PATTERSON, James PEAKE, Jesse PEAKE, John PEAKE, Joshua PENNIX, Peter PENNYBACKER, James PERRY, Richard PETERSON, Anny Duffey PEYTON, Yelverton PEYTON, Anthony PHELPS, Edwin PHELPS, Elizabeth PHELPS, George PHELPS, Guy PHELPS, John PHELPS, Joshua PHELPS, Josiah PHELPS, Lucy PHELPS, Sarah PHELPS, Thomas PHELPS, William PHILLIPS, John PITTMAN, John PLEAKENSTALVER, John PLECK, John POGUE, William POGUE, Mrs. William POGUE, Samuel PORTER, Page PORTWOOD, Sam PORTWOOD, Levin POWELL, James PROCTOR, John PROCTOR, Joseph PROCTOR, Capt. Nicholas PROCTOR, Nicholas PROCTOR Jr., Rachel PROCTOR, Reuben PROCTOR, James QUISENBERRY, Benjamin QUINN, James QUINN, Thomas QUINN, John RANK, Nicholas RAY, Alexander REED, JOhn RICE, Joseph RICE, Samuel RICE, Benejamin ROBERTS, Davidn ROBINSON, George ROBINSON, Samuel ROBINSON, William ROBINSON, Col. Robert RHODES, Pemberton ROLLINS, Ambrose ROSS, Hugh ROSS, Gen. Christopher RIFFE, Fred RIPPERDAM, Mrs. Fred RIPPERDAM, James RUSSELL, Samuel SANDERS, John SAPPINGTON, William SCHOLL, Anderson SEARCY, Asa SEARCY, Bartlett SEARCY, Charles SEARCY, Reuben SEARCY, Richard SEARCY Jr., Richard SEARCY Sr.,. Samuel SEARCY, William SEARCY, James SCOTT, Hugh SEFER, Hugh SHIELDS, David SHELBY, Isaac SHELBY, David SHELTON, Charles SHIRLEY, Katie SHIRLEY, Michael SHIRLEY, Thomas SHORES, Col. Thomas SLAUGHTER, Enoch SMITH, Encoh George SMITH, John SMITH, Maj. William Bailey SMITH, John SNODDY, Samuel SNODDY, John SOUTH Jr., John SOUTH Sr., Mrs. John SOUTH, Samuel SOUTH, Thomas SOUTH, Richard SPURR, William STAGG, Barney STAGNER, John STAPLETON, Jacob STARNES, Joseph STARNES, Jacob STEARNS, John STEPHENSON, Dudley STONE,Michael STONER, Samuel STRODE, Berue SWEARINGEN, Benoni SWEARINGEN, Thomas SWEARINGEN, Hale TALBOTT, John TANNER, John TATE, Robert TATE, Samuel TATE, Edmond TAYLOR, John TAYLOR, Nancy TAYLOR, Peter W. TAYLOR, Richard TAYLOR, John TERRELL, Robert TERRELL, James THOMAS, Moses THOMAS, James THOMPSON, Lawrence THOMPSON, Col. John TODD, William TOMLINSON, Gerrett TOWNSEND, Joshual TOWNSEND, Oswald TOW! NSEND, Thomas TRIBBLE, David TURNER, John TURNER, Solomon TURPIN, William TURPIN, Capt. Thomas TWIDDY, William TWIDDY, William UMPHREY, Benoni VALLANDIGHAM, Lewis VALLANDIGHAM, Joel VASSAR, Richard WADE, Joel WALKER, Isaac WANE, David V. WALKER, Felix WALKER, Robert WALTON, Thomas WARREN, James WARTON, Capt. Charles G. WATKINS, James WATKINS, John WEBBER, Walter WELCH, Richard WELLS, Ambrose WHITE, Aquilla WHITE, Galen WHITE, Robert WHITLEDGE, Capt. John WHITTAKER, Billy WILCOX, Sally Boone WILCOX, Daniel WILCOXON, Elizabeth WILCOXON, John WILCOXON, Rachel WILCOXON, Aletha Anderson WILKERSON, John WILKERSON, Mrs. John WILKERSON, Moses WILKERSON, Wyatt WILKERSON, William WILLIAMS, Edward WILLIAMS, Jarrett WILLIAMS, John WILLIAMS, Richard WITLEDGE, Moses WILSON, Adams WOODS, Capt. Archibald WOODS, John WOODS, Samuel WOODS, Samuel WOODSON, Capt. Edward WORTHINGTON, John WRIGHT, James WESTERVELDT (Westerfield), John WITHERS, James YATES, Jesse YOCUM
Timeline for Daniel Boone
Today Daniel Boone's indelible image in the minds of Americans is a mixture of fact and legend. But this mingling of the real and the fictional is not solely a result of the passage of time or of the liberties taken in movies and television; it occurred even while Boone was alive. In biographies, literature, and art, the frontiersman was subject to the whims and personal agendas of writers and artists, rendering it difficult to separate the man from the myth.
The myth, however, says much about Americans, in both the past and present, as it embodies the cherished American characteristics of rugged individualism and informality and the motif of the quest. These themes are prevalent in popular narratives and images of Boone that have appeared throughout the years.
Boone garnered international fame at age fifty, when his "autobiography" appeared in John Filson's The Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucky . . . to Which is Added an Appendix, Containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon in 1784. The book sold well domestically and was hugely popular in Europe. The next year, John Trumbull of Connecticut published a shortened version of Filson's book that was widely read in America.
Boone considered his nephew Daniel Bryan's 1813 book-length poem, The Mountain Muse, a disaster of inaccuracy. The English romantic poet Lord Byron portrayed the frontiersman as an example of Rousseau's "natural man" in seven stanzas of the epic poem Don Juan in 1822. James Fennimore Cooper probably modeled his fictional backwoods hero Natty Bumppo on Boone; he certainly based some of the character's adventures on episodes and exploits in Boone's life. Other biographers variously depicted Boone as an instrument of God's plan for America, a rabid Indian hater, or the ideal Christian, depending on their own perspectives.
Daniel Boone's looks and mode of dress were brought to the public consciousness by Chester Harding's famous full-length portrait. When the painting deteriorated, the artist cut out the head and pasted it onto another background, so his original depiction of Boone's clothing was lost. Fortunately, James Otto Lewis had made an engraving based on Harding's portrait accurately representing the fringed hunting shirt, leggings, and moccasins Boone favored.
But what about the hat? Lewis Correctly shows Boone with a beaver hat, not a coonskin cap. Boone himself considered that style of headwear uncivilized. The misconception began when an actor who had helped Lewis sell the engravings was hired for a minstrel show called "The Hunters of Kentucky." Unable to find a beaver hat, he substituted a coonskin cap, and a myth was born.
Boone's presence in popular culture continued throughout the twentieth century. Daniel C. Beard, founder of the Boy Scouts of America, considered calling the group the Sons of Daniel Boone. The frontier hero was featured in films, radio programs, and comic strips.
The Boone myth reached a media peak in the 1960's with the NBC television adventure series Daniel Boone (1964 - 1970), Fess Parker, who starred as Davy Crockett in movies, played Boone. Although the theme song for the Boone show describes him as "the rippin'est, roarin'est, fightin'est man the frontier ever knew," these characteristics are more appropriately associated with Davy Crockett than with frontiersman Daniel Boone.
From Silverman, Sharon Hernes. Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide: Daniel Boone Homestead (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000)*
Daniel Boone born in Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, October 22, Old Style (November 2, New Style)
Scott New, portrayer
of Daniel Boone
Tends family's cattle; often wanders through the woods.
Acquires first gun
Squire Boone expelled from Exeter Friends Meeting
Boone family leaves Pennsylvania
Family settles in North Carolina on the Yadkin River
Boone serves in Braddock's army during defeat near Pittsburgh in French and Indian War
Marries Rebecca Bryan August 14
Cherokee raids force Boones out of North Carolina. They move to Culpeper County, Virginia
First crosses the Blue Ridge during winter hunt
Participates in campaigns against the Cherokee
Boones return to North Carolina
Squire Boone dies; Boone explores Florida, rejects moving there
Family moves up the Yadkin River
Leaves for long hunt May 1; captured by Shawnee December 22
Returns home to North Carolina; plans to move to Kentucky
Attempts to settle Kentucky; son James killed at Cumberland
Gap by an Indian attack October 9; settlers turn back
Sent by Virginia authorities to warn Kentucky survey crew of impending war with Shawnee
For the Transylvania Company, leads party blazing the Wilderness Road to Kentucky, March; founds Boonesborough, May; brings family to Kentucky, September
Leads rescue of daughter, Jemima, and Fanny and Betsy Callaway, from Shawnee, July
Wounded in the ankle during Shawnee attack on Boonesborough, April
Captured by Shawnee at Lower Blue Licks February 8; adopted by Shawnee, March; escapes June 16; siege of Boonesborough September 7-18;
Boone acquitted of charges of collaboration with British, October; rejoins family in North Carolina
Leads settlers from North Carolina to Kentucky, September;
establishes Boone's Station December 25
Appointed Fayette County Coroner April 7; represents Fayette County in Virginia legislature; captured, then released, by British rangers;
returns to Exeter Township, Pennsylvania, to visit relatives
Son Israel killed in the Battle of Blue Licks August 19
John Filson's The Discovery; Settlement and Present State of Kentucky ... Containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon published
Suffers lawsuits over land claims; joins Ohio campaign against Shawnee, October
Mediates a prisoner exchange between Americans and Shawnee August; joins Virginia assembly, October
Returns to Pennsylvania to visit relatives; relocates to what is now West Virginia
Serves in Virginia legislature
Kentucky becomes fifteenth state, June 1
Testifies in land claims cases
Moves to what is now Nicholas County, Kentucky
Official opening of Wilderness Road October 15
Refuses to testify in a lawsuit over land claims; sheriff of Mason County, Kentucky, issues warrant for his arrest; much of Boone's land
put up for sale
Moves to Femme Osage, Missouri
Receives appointments from Spanish governor in Femme Osage territory
Briefly captured by Osage during spring hunt
Land holdings removed; Daniel and Rebecca move to son Nathan's farm
Appointed justice of Femme Osage township by Meriwether Lewis, governor of Louisiana Territory
Petitions Congress to reinstate Spanish land titles
At age seventy-eight, volunteers for War of 1812, but turned down
Rebecca Boone dies March 18
Explores the upper Missouri
Goes on last long hunt
Dies September 26
Suggested Reading
Bakeless, John. Daniel Boone: Master of the Wilderness (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989).
Draper, Lyman C. The Life of Daniel Boone (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999).*
Faragher, John Mack. Daniel Boone: The Life and Legend of an American Pioneer (New York: Henry Holt and Co.,1992).*
Pendleton, Phillip. Oley Valley Heritage (Kutztown: PA German Society, 1994).*
Spraker, Ella Hazel. The Boone Family (Baltimore: Geneaological Publishing Co., Inc., 1999).
Wallace, Paul A. W. Daniel Boone in Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Historical And Museum Commission,2002).*
Hammon, Neal O. and Taylor, Richard. Virginia's Western War, 1775-1786 (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002)*
Silverman, Sharon Hernes. Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide: Daniel Boone Homestead (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000)*
Lafaro, Michael A. Daniel Boone, An American Life ( Lexington, Kentucky, The University Press of Kentucky)
For the Younger Reader
Streissguth, Tom. Daniel Boone (On My Own Biography) (Minneapolis, MN, Lerner Publishing Group 2002)
Raphael, Elaine and Bolognese, Don. Daniel Boone, Frontier Hero (Drawing America) (New York, NY, Scholastic Inc. 1996)
The names of those persons and/or families known to have resided in or near the Fort Boonesborough and Boone's Station are as follows:
(It's not clear which of the Barnetts were my line or their cousins.)
John ALLEN, Richard ALLEN, Thomas ALLEN, Aletha ANDERSON, James ANDERSON, Jemima ANDERSON, John ANDERSON, Mary ANDERSON, Nicholas ANDERSON, John ANTHONY, Joseph ANTHONY, Uriel ARK, Daniel ASHBY, l Thomas BAILEY, Isaac BAKER, Bland BALLARD, Abraham BANTA, Henry BANTA Jr., Henry BANTA Sr., John BANTA, James BARBORN, Samuel BARKER, William BARKER, Alex BARNETT, Ambrose BARNETT, James BARNETT, John BARNETT, Joseph BARNETT, Robert BARNETT, James BARNHILL, David BARTON, Joab BARTON, Joshua BARTON, Samuel BARTON, Thomas BARTON, Williasm BARTON, Catherine BAUGHMAN, Jacob BAUGHMAN, John BAUGHMAN, Col. Edward BAXTER, Charles BEALE, G. Michael BEDINGER, Flowner BELL, Samuel BELL, John BELLENTINE, Charles BELLEW, John BENNETT, Joseph BENNING, William BENTLEY, Jesse BENTON, James BERRY, Humphrey BEST, Moese BEST, Stephen BEST, Mary Gass BLACK, William BLACK, Joseph BLACKFORD, Anthony BLEDSOE, Joseph BLEDSOE, Moese BLEDSOE, Robert BOGGS, John Peter BONDURANT, Ann BOONE, Betsey BOONE, Col. Daniel BOONE, Daniel Morgan BOONE, Edward or Allen BOONE, Enoch Morgan BOONE, George BOONE, Hannah BOONE, Isaiah BOONE, Josiah BOONE, Lvinia BOONE, Moses BOONE, Nathan BOONE, Rebecca BOONE, Sarah BOONE, Squire BOONE, Mrs. Squire BOONE, Squire BOONE, Squire H. BOONE, Susan BOONE, Ulissy BOONE, Albert BORUS, John BOWLES, John BOYLE, Edward BRADLEY, James BRIDGES, Samuel BROOKS, Thomas BROOKS, Wi! lliam BROOKS, David BRYANT, George BRYANT, Henry BRYANT, James BRYANT, Jonathan BRYANT, Joseph BRYANT, Rebecca BRYANT, Thomas BRYANT, William BRYANT, Capt. William BUCHANAN, Edward BULGER, John BULGER, John BULLOCK, Leonard Henley BULLOCK, Nathaniel BULLOCK, David BUNDAN, John BUNORAN, James BUNTEN, Capt. William "Billy" BUSH, Maj. William BUSHBY, John BUTLER, Robert CALDWELL, William CALK, Mrs. William CALK, Caleb CALLOWAY, Edgar CALLOWAY, Elizabeth CALLOWAY, Flanders CALLOWAY, Frances CALLOWAY, George CALLOWAY, John CALLOWAY, Hezekiah CALLOWAY, Keziah CALLOWAY, Lydia CALLOWAY, Col. Richard CALLOWAY, Mrs. Richard CALLOWAY, John CAMERON, Samuel CAMPBELL, Adam CAPERTON, Braxton CARTER, John CARTWRIGHT, Robert CARTWRIGHT, Abraham CHAPLAIN, Elizabeth Mullins CHENAULT, William CHENAULT, Gen. George Rogers CLARK, Gen. Green CLAY, Judge John COBURN, Samuel COBURN, Capt. William COCKE, Ambrose COFFEE, Jesse COFFEE, John COLEFORT, Alex COLLINS, Elijah COLLINS, Josiah COLLINS, Thomas COLLINS, William COLLINS, Betts COLLIER, George COLMES, Joseph COMBS, John CONSTANT, John CONWAY, David COOK, Cuthberth COMBS, Enos COOMBS, Williams COOMBS, Jacob COONS, Ben COOPER, Jesse COPHER, William COOPER, Peter COSSART, Frederick COUCHMAN, James COULTER, Maj. William CRADLEBAUGH, John CRAIG, Lewis CRAIG, David CREWS, Elijah CREWS, John CROOKE, John CROSS, Charles CURD, Benjamin CUTBERTH, John DANIEL, Joseph DAVIS, Samuel DAVIS, William DEAL, Abram DEAN, Susan DEAN, Joseph DEBAN or DESON, DENTON family Thomas DIAL, John DONIPHAN, James DOSTER, James DOUGLAS, Joseph DRAKE, Margaret DRAKE, William DRYDEN, John DUMPARD, John DUNN, Benjamin DUNAWAY, John DURBIN, Daniel DUREE, Henry DUREE, Peter DUREE Jr., Mrs. Peter DUREE Jr., Peter DUREE Sr., Mrs. Peter DUREE Sr., Samuel DUREE, Robert ELKIN, Mrs. Robert ELKIN, James ELLIS, Mary ELLIS, Joseph ELLISON, Talton EMBRY, Richard EPPERSON, Robert EPSLEY, Ben ESTILL, Boudee ESTILL, Capt. James ESTILL, Sally ESTILL, Samuel ESTILL, Wallace, ESTILL, Baker EWING, William FALL, John FARRAR, Edmund FEAR or FAIR, Col. Ezekiel H. FIELDS, Davind FINLEY, James FINLEY, John FINNELL, John FINNICK, John FLUTY, Col. John FLOYD, Thomas FOOT, Joseph FOWLER, John FOX, James FRENCH, James GASS, Jennie GASS, John GASS, Mary GASS, Sarah GASS, Capt. David GASS, James GATES, Capt. Charles GATLIFF, James GATLIFF, Letitia GATLIFF, Neal GATLIFF, Martin GENTRY, Richard GENTRY, Catherine GEORGE, John GEORGE, Nicholas GEORGE, Mrs. Nicholas GEORGE, Whitson GEORGE, Julius GIBBS, Samuel GILBERT, Ricard GIREY, Sameul GIREY, Ancil GOODMAN, Daniel GOODMAN, Elizabeth GRANT, Hannah GRANT, Isreal GRANT, l John GRANT, Rebecca Boone GRANT, Moses GRANT, Squire GRANT, William GRANT, Capt. Higgason GRUBBS, Mrs. Higgason GRUBBS, Peter GUERRANT, Thomas GOFF, Peter HACKETT, Edward HALL, Thomas HALL, William HALL, Andrew HAMILTON, John HAMILTON, James HAMILTON, George HANCOCK, Stepen HANCOCK, William HANCOCK, Edward HAND, Andrew HANA, John HARMON, Thomas HARGROVE, John HARPER, Peter HARPER, John HARVESTER, William HARRIS, Ben HARRISON, John HARRISON, Edward HARROD, Chenoa HART, China HART, Cumberland HART, David HART, Mrs. David HART, John HART, Kiziah HART, Mary HART, Nathaniel HART, Nathaniel HART Jr., Mrs. Nathaniel HART, Simpson HART, Susannah HART, Thomas HART, Thomas Richard Green HART, John HAWISTON, Elizabeth HAYES, James HAYES, Jemima HAYES, William HAYES, John HENDERSON, Nathaniel HENDERSON, Nicholas HENDERSON, Pleasant HENDERSON, Col Richard HENDERSON, Samuel HENDERSON, Frances Halley HENDRICKS, George HENDRICKS, William HICKS, Jospeh HINES, Dr. HINES, . Col. Richard HINES, Isaac HITE, Jesse HODGES, James HOGAN, Richard HOGAN, William HOGE, James HOGG, Capt. John HOLDER, Francis HOLLEY / HALLEY, Mrs. Francis HOLLEY / HALLEY, Mrs. John HOLLEY / HALLEY, William HOOTON, Elizabeth HORN, Jeremiah HORN, Matthew HORN, Elizabeth HOY, Parthenia HOY, William HOY, Joseph HUGHES, Jake HUNTER, John HUNTER, Samuel HUNTER, Benjamin HOWARD, Jo! hn HOWARD, Margaret HOWARD, Harry INNES, Christopher IRVINE Jr., Christopher IRVINE Sr., David C. IRVINE, Col. William IRVINE, John JACKSON, Joseph JACKSON, Jonathan JENNINGS, Charles JOCKARS, Andrew JOHNSON, Betsey JOHNSON, Rev. Cave JOHNSON, Isaac JOHNSON, Robert JOHNSON, William JOHNSON, Jacob JOHNSTON, Thomas JOHNSTON, Catlett JONES, Matthew JOUETT, Charles KAVANAUGH, William KAVANAUGH, Beal KELLY, Joseph KELLY, Benjamin KELLY, John KELLY, Andrew KENNEDY, David KENNEDY, Elizabeth KENNEDY, Jesse KENNEDY, John KENNEDY Jr., Joseph KENNEDY, Mary KENNEDY, Thomas KENNEDY, James KENNY, Simon KENTON, Johnathan KETCHAM, John KINCAID, Thomas KINCAID, Robert KIRKHAM, Samuel KIRKHAM, William KINTLEY, John KNOX, Samuel LACKEY, Col. John LADD, Thomas LANHAM, Charles LEE, John LEE, Abraham LEWIS, George LINCOLN, William LIPSCOMB, Nathan LIPSCOMB, Thomas LITTLE, Charles LOCKHART, Col. John LOGAN, Samuel LOGAN, Joseph LONG, Frances LONG, Lawrence LONG, Col John P. LUTTRELL, Thomas LUTTRELL, David LYNCH, William LYNN, Robert MCAFEE, George MCAFEE, William MCAFEE, Moses MCCLURE, John MCCOLLUM, MCGARY family, David MCGEE, James MCMILLAN Sr.,. Margaret White MCMILLAN, Thomas MCQUEEN, William MCWHINNEY, George MADDEN, James MANKINS, John MANNEN, John MARTIN, William MARTIN, Jesse MAUPIN, William MAYS, George MERIWEATHER, Nicholas MERIWEATHER, David MILLER, Thomas MILLER, William MILLER, Michael MIRAS, Alex MONTGOMERY, John MONTGOMERY, Charles MOORE, John MOORE, William MOORE, John MORGAN, Ralph MORGAN, William MORGAN, Jesse MORRIS, William MORRIS, Richard MORRISON, John MORTON, Thomas MOSELY, John MOUNCE or MOURNER, Jacob MYERS, Alexander NEELEY, Edward NELSON, Mrs. Edward NELSON, John NELSON, Moses NELSON, John NEWBY, Abraham NEWLAND, Thomas NOEL, Jesse OLDHAM, Tyree OLDHAM, Michael OVERSTREET, William O'REAR, Thomas M. OWENS, John Cockey OWINGS, Clough OVERTON, Lt. James PATTON, Richard PATTERSON, William PATTERSON, James PEAKE, Jesse PEAKE, John PEAKE, Joshua PENNIX, Peter PENNYBACKER, James PERRY, Richard PETERSON, Anny Duffey PEYTON, Yelverton PEYTON, Anthony PHELPS, Edwin PHELPS, Elizabeth PHELPS, George PHELPS, Guy PHELPS, John PHELPS, Joshua PHELPS, Josiah PHELPS, Lucy PHELPS, Sarah PHELPS, Thomas PHELPS, William PHILLIPS, John PITTMAN, John PLEAKENSTALVER, John PLECK, John POGUE, William POGUE, Mrs. William POGUE, Samuel PORTER, Page PORTWOOD, Sam PORTWOOD, Levin POWELL, James PROCTOR, John PROCTOR, Joseph PROCTOR, Capt. Nicholas PROCTOR, Nicholas PROCTOR Jr., Rachel PROCTOR, Reuben PROCTOR, James QUISENBERRY, Benjamin QUINN, James QUINN, Thomas QUINN, John RANK, Nicholas RAY, Alexander REED, JOhn RICE, Joseph RICE, Samuel RICE, Benejamin ROBERTS, Davidn ROBINSON, George ROBINSON, Samuel ROBINSON, William ROBINSON, Col. Robert RHODES, Pemberton ROLLINS, Ambrose ROSS, Hugh ROSS, Gen. Christopher RIFFE, Fred RIPPERDAM, Mrs. Fred RIPPERDAM, James RUSSELL, Samuel SANDERS, John SAPPINGTON, William SCHOLL, Anderson SEARCY, Asa SEARCY, Bartlett SEARCY, Charles SEARCY, Reuben SEARCY, Richard SEARCY Jr., Richard SEARCY Sr.,. Samuel SEARCY, William SEARCY, James SCOTT, Hugh SEFER, Hugh SHIELDS, David SHELBY, Isaac SHELBY, David SHELTON, Charles SHIRLEY, Katie SHIRLEY, Michael SHIRLEY, Thomas SHORES, Col. Thomas SLAUGHTER, Enoch SMITH, Encoh George SMITH, John SMITH, Maj. William Bailey SMITH, John SNODDY, Samuel SNODDY, John SOUTH Jr., John SOUTH Sr., Mrs. John SOUTH, Samuel SOUTH, Thomas SOUTH, Richard SPURR, William STAGG, Barney STAGNER, John STAPLETON, Jacob STARNES, Joseph STARNES, Jacob STEARNS, John STEPHENSON, Dudley STONE,Michael STONER, Samuel STRODE, Berue SWEARINGEN, Benoni SWEARINGEN, Thomas SWEARINGEN, Hale TALBOTT, John TANNER, John TATE, Robert TATE, Samuel TATE, Edmond TAYLOR, John TAYLOR, Nancy TAYLOR, Peter W. TAYLOR, Richard TAYLOR, John TERRELL, Robert TERRELL, James THOMAS, Moses THOMAS, James THOMPSON, Lawrence THOMPSON, Col. John TODD, William TOMLINSON, Gerrett TOWNSEND, Joshual TOWNSEND, Oswald TOW! NSEND, Thomas TRIBBLE, David TURNER, John TURNER, Solomon TURPIN, William TURPIN, Capt. Thomas TWIDDY, William TWIDDY, William UMPHREY, Benoni VALLANDIGHAM, Lewis VALLANDIGHAM, Joel VASSAR, Richard WADE, Joel WALKER, Isaac WANE, David V. WALKER, Felix WALKER, Robert WALTON, Thomas WARREN, James WARTON, Capt. Charles G. WATKINS, James WATKINS, John WEBBER, Walter WELCH, Richard WELLS, Ambrose WHITE, Aquilla WHITE, Galen WHITE, Robert WHITLEDGE, Capt. John WHITTAKER, Billy WILCOX, Sally Boone WILCOX, Daniel WILCOXON, Elizabeth WILCOXON, John WILCOXON, Rachel WILCOXON, Aletha Anderson WILKERSON, John WILKERSON, Mrs. John WILKERSON, Moses WILKERSON, Wyatt WILKERSON, William WILLIAMS, Edward WILLIAMS, Jarrett WILLIAMS, John WILLIAMS, Richard WITLEDGE, Moses WILSON, Adams WOODS, Capt. Archibald WOODS, John WOODS, Samuel WOODS, Samuel WOODSON, Capt. Edward WORTHINGTON, John WRIGHT, James WESTERVELDT (Westerfield), John WITHERS, James YATES, Jesse YOCUM
Timeline for Daniel Boone
Today Daniel Boone's indelible image in the minds of Americans is a mixture of fact and legend. But this mingling of the real and the fictional is not solely a result of the passage of time or of the liberties taken in movies and television; it occurred even while Boone was alive. In biographies, literature, and art, the frontiersman was subject to the whims and personal agendas of writers and artists, rendering it difficult to separate the man from the myth.
The myth, however, says much about Americans, in both the past and present, as it embodies the cherished American characteristics of rugged individualism and informality and the motif of the quest. These themes are prevalent in popular narratives and images of Boone that have appeared throughout the years.
Boone garnered international fame at age fifty, when his "autobiography" appeared in John Filson's The Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucky . . . to Which is Added an Appendix, Containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon in 1784. The book sold well domestically and was hugely popular in Europe. The next year, John Trumbull of Connecticut published a shortened version of Filson's book that was widely read in America.
Boone considered his nephew Daniel Bryan's 1813 book-length poem, The Mountain Muse, a disaster of inaccuracy. The English romantic poet Lord Byron portrayed the frontiersman as an example of Rousseau's "natural man" in seven stanzas of the epic poem Don Juan in 1822. James Fennimore Cooper probably modeled his fictional backwoods hero Natty Bumppo on Boone; he certainly based some of the character's adventures on episodes and exploits in Boone's life. Other biographers variously depicted Boone as an instrument of God's plan for America, a rabid Indian hater, or the ideal Christian, depending on their own perspectives.
Daniel Boone's looks and mode of dress were brought to the public consciousness by Chester Harding's famous full-length portrait. When the painting deteriorated, the artist cut out the head and pasted it onto another background, so his original depiction of Boone's clothing was lost. Fortunately, James Otto Lewis had made an engraving based on Harding's portrait accurately representing the fringed hunting shirt, leggings, and moccasins Boone favored.
But what about the hat? Lewis Correctly shows Boone with a beaver hat, not a coonskin cap. Boone himself considered that style of headwear uncivilized. The misconception began when an actor who had helped Lewis sell the engravings was hired for a minstrel show called "The Hunters of Kentucky." Unable to find a beaver hat, he substituted a coonskin cap, and a myth was born.
Boone's presence in popular culture continued throughout the twentieth century. Daniel C. Beard, founder of the Boy Scouts of America, considered calling the group the Sons of Daniel Boone. The frontier hero was featured in films, radio programs, and comic strips.
The Boone myth reached a media peak in the 1960's with the NBC television adventure series Daniel Boone (1964 - 1970), Fess Parker, who starred as Davy Crockett in movies, played Boone. Although the theme song for the Boone show describes him as "the rippin'est, roarin'est, fightin'est man the frontier ever knew," these characteristics are more appropriately associated with Davy Crockett than with frontiersman Daniel Boone.
From Silverman, Sharon Hernes. Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide: Daniel Boone Homestead (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000)*
Daniel Boone born in Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, October 22, Old Style (November 2, New Style)
Scott New, portrayer
of Daniel Boone
Tends family's cattle; often wanders through the woods.
Acquires first gun
Squire Boone expelled from Exeter Friends Meeting
Boone family leaves Pennsylvania
Family settles in North Carolina on the Yadkin River
Boone serves in Braddock's army during defeat near Pittsburgh in French and Indian War
Marries Rebecca Bryan August 14
Cherokee raids force Boones out of North Carolina. They move to Culpeper County, Virginia
First crosses the Blue Ridge during winter hunt
Participates in campaigns against the Cherokee
Boones return to North Carolina
Squire Boone dies; Boone explores Florida, rejects moving there
Family moves up the Yadkin River
Leaves for long hunt May 1; captured by Shawnee December 22
Returns home to North Carolina; plans to move to Kentucky
Attempts to settle Kentucky; son James killed at Cumberland
Gap by an Indian attack October 9; settlers turn back
Sent by Virginia authorities to warn Kentucky survey crew of impending war with Shawnee
For the Transylvania Company, leads party blazing the Wilderness Road to Kentucky, March; founds Boonesborough, May; brings family to Kentucky, September
Leads rescue of daughter, Jemima, and Fanny and Betsy Callaway, from Shawnee, July
Wounded in the ankle during Shawnee attack on Boonesborough, April
Captured by Shawnee at Lower Blue Licks February 8; adopted by Shawnee, March; escapes June 16; siege of Boonesborough September 7-18;
Boone acquitted of charges of collaboration with British, October; rejoins family in North Carolina
Leads settlers from North Carolina to Kentucky, September;
establishes Boone's Station December 25
Appointed Fayette County Coroner April 7; represents Fayette County in Virginia legislature; captured, then released, by British rangers;
returns to Exeter Township, Pennsylvania, to visit relatives
Son Israel killed in the Battle of Blue Licks August 19
John Filson's The Discovery; Settlement and Present State of Kentucky ... Containing the Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon published
Suffers lawsuits over land claims; joins Ohio campaign against Shawnee, October
Mediates a prisoner exchange between Americans and Shawnee August; joins Virginia assembly, October
Returns to Pennsylvania to visit relatives; relocates to what is now West Virginia
Serves in Virginia legislature
Kentucky becomes fifteenth state, June 1
Testifies in land claims cases
Moves to what is now Nicholas County, Kentucky
Official opening of Wilderness Road October 15
Refuses to testify in a lawsuit over land claims; sheriff of Mason County, Kentucky, issues warrant for his arrest; much of Boone's land
put up for sale
Moves to Femme Osage, Missouri
Receives appointments from Spanish governor in Femme Osage territory
Briefly captured by Osage during spring hunt
Land holdings removed; Daniel and Rebecca move to son Nathan's farm
Appointed justice of Femme Osage township by Meriwether Lewis, governor of Louisiana Territory
Petitions Congress to reinstate Spanish land titles
At age seventy-eight, volunteers for War of 1812, but turned down
Rebecca Boone dies March 18
Explores the upper Missouri
Goes on last long hunt
Dies September 26
Suggested Reading
Bakeless, John. Daniel Boone: Master of the Wilderness (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989).
Draper, Lyman C. The Life of Daniel Boone (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999).*
Faragher, John Mack. Daniel Boone: The Life and Legend of an American Pioneer (New York: Henry Holt and Co.,1992).*
Pendleton, Phillip. Oley Valley Heritage (Kutztown: PA German Society, 1994).*
Spraker, Ella Hazel. The Boone Family (Baltimore: Geneaological Publishing Co., Inc., 1999).
Wallace, Paul A. W. Daniel Boone in Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Historical And Museum Commission,2002).*
Hammon, Neal O. and Taylor, Richard. Virginia's Western War, 1775-1786 (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002)*
Silverman, Sharon Hernes. Pennsylvania Trail of History Guide: Daniel Boone Homestead (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000)*
Lafaro, Michael A. Daniel Boone, An American Life ( Lexington, Kentucky, The University Press of Kentucky)
For the Younger Reader
Streissguth, Tom. Daniel Boone (On My Own Biography) (Minneapolis, MN, Lerner Publishing Group 2002)
Raphael, Elaine and Bolognese, Don. Daniel Boone, Frontier Hero (Drawing America) (New York, NY, Scholastic Inc. 1996)